August 4: Bobby Russ
A gift from the celebration of life... it hangs in our lanai. A light welcoming her memory. I hear her
voice... i see her when I close my eyes. I'm selfish and want more time with her... but she's gone. Her light
is what I have now
Sudie Faulkner
So pretty ❤
Christina Chrissy Mills Buckley
Absolutely gorgeous
Diana Muniz
Absolutely beautiful!!
Marc OBrien
Way to handle invisible adversity’s
Kim Furr
A beautiful tribute.
Angel Manning Dolan
Absolutely gorgeous!!
Dee Perozzi
That is beautiful... she will always be with you...i wish I could say it gets easier in time but I'm not going
to lie it never get easy... but she is now your angel an will keep you safe
Angel Manning Dolan
I know I look for her everyday at work.
Donna Freeman
Keep her memory alive