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August 8: Bobby Russ
Today was my first day back to work since her death. It was a day of mixed feelings. It was good to feel like I was contributing something positive. I have been told by several people that I am a great supervisor and that I was missed. Like Renee, I often forget how much of an impact that I make upon others. It was one of our shared flaws. I just do my best because that's all I know how to do. We just do our job... or our vision of what one should do in the job.

This leads me to a memory of her. It was often a joke that Walmart was our demanding mistress. She never complained about it and always gave her all. As a salaried member of management, it wasn't like she was ever off the clock, but she always would take people's texts, phone calls, messages via messenger,etc. Day... Night... It didn't matter. It was rare that she ever didn't answer.

I learned so much about Walmart policies and procedures just from hearing her help others on the phone. She was always patient with people even if it was the 20th time she had told them the exact same thing. The pause button worked well on our TV. Even if she had fallen asleep for a shift to start at 5 am, she would want to answer a phone call help request. I remember one night kissing her softly telling her that her phone was ringing. She woke gingerly and answered helping someone with clearing a problem with the recycler.

She told me how appreciate she was that I understood and didn't get upset at her for it. I wrapped my arms around her and told her that I loved her. She said I love you more. I told her I love you mostest. She replied I love you to infinity and I replied "...and beyond"

Christina Chrissy Mills Buckley
Such a beautiful woman. Always there... She was the who taught me the night things in the fuel. I remember how i felt the first day back in there after hearing of her. My heart ached, looking at how my name is spelled in the recycler is now bitter sweet, I haven't spelled my name as christi in forever, prolly middle school. But that's how she spelled it because my name tag said Christina and she knew I hated that. So she put in Christi. It's like a little piece of her is forever with me in that fuel... I'm still at a lost for words when I think about her being gone, my heart truly aches for you....
Bobby Russ
On the main recycler, the drawer for the Fuel recycler is still checked out to Renee. I hope the recycle stays that way too. She was for many people the help they needed. I got a messenger on her phone where I had to give them the bad news. I never realized your name was spelled that way in the Fuel one.

Jennifer Reynolds
I miss her making her warm and cheerful talks with me in the mornings. Making my day so much better.

Bridgette McNeal
Just remember Bobby there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Please don’t think anyone expect you to “get on” with life etc. you go at your own pace. I am so glad your workplace is so lovely to you ❤️

Donna Freeman
Remember Renee always

NOTE: New Memories are added from time to time...