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November 23, 2020: Bobby Russ

This week contains my favorite holiday. It's not because of that mashed taters... although I never argue with that. No, I always love Thanksgiving to show my appreciation and remind myself of all the things that I am thankful for. This year has been especially challenging for many including myself. I am sitting here listening to music hearing the song "Who Knew?" by Pink. This lyric jumps out:

"When someone said count your blessings before they are long gone"

It's critical that we try to do this. After all, we don't know when someone may depart from our lives either or their own choice or the choice of the universe. So, this thanksgiving this message is extra special. Bare with me as this will probably be long winded.

On Thursday, we will eat the ham that Renee picked for us. She had waited almost 10 years to finally have a Thanksgiving Day off with me. Fate would ensure that this never happened. We always found a way though to enjoy thanksgiving. It was usually on the weekend. I am thankful for the memories that she gave me over the years. So many different stories... some that I've told, some that I'll tell in the future.

I am thankful for the half year that I got with her. The plans, dreams, and hopes that we shared. There was a spark of passion for the now. Sometimes I would focus on the future plans and forget to enjoy the now as much as she did. I've learned quite a bit. For that, I am thankful that Renee could teach me that and that we got to share what we did.

I am thankful for all the support I got from various Walmart employees that worked either with me and/or with Renee. Your words of sympathy, compassion and encouragement meant the world to me. The tragedy won't be one that we'll easily forget nor should we. We will move forward and it will be a part of us.

In addition, I want to thank several of my friends from old coming back into my life during this year to support me and encourage me. This helped quite a bit.

I've also had the honor to meet new people that were connected via Renee that introduced and became my acquaintainces, friends, etc. Learning stories and building new memories with them. I count my blessings as new people have joined my journey.

I don't know how long is left on my journey in life. This has been something that has been brought up very clearly given all that has happened with the two accidents. It has forced me to try to appreciate every day that I do have. I was going to originally list a bunch of names here with specific things, but that list would be too long honestly.

If you are reading this, you have probably contributed positively this year to my life. Thank you. I appreciate it. As I find my path over the days to come, know that I do not forget kindness. May the future be bright, but if my time does come to be, remember all of our great times. That is what I am thankful for.

NOTE: New Memories are added from time to time...