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October 14, 2020: Bobby Russ

Life is a highway... and while we may not always know where that highway goes, it's about the journey. With Renee, it was always an interesting journey. This brings back a simple memory.

Renee often liked to read on her tablet. She sometimes read on our couch in the living room. She would every night read in the bedroom as well. It was one of her escape methods from the pressure of life.

She hated me taking pictures of her and so most of the ones I have are the "snapshot" type. Quick pictures that caught her off guard. This isn't a problem to me, but rather was also move of a living picture. She did get better over time at "allowing" more of the set up pictures.

We often don't think about this, but when we are gone what is passed on and shared? It's pictures and stories. I know people know I'm a story teller, but pictures mean so much. They can probably tell long stories all on thier own.

Renee and I got to share many nights sitting there working on our own projects. I'd use her as a sounding board and sometimes she would ask for help on her school work or other things as she needed. She was always willing to help out.

My game wouldn't be quite the same without all of the feedback that she provided. She often sat as an alternative viewpoint. It's a great thing that I miss in her. that was one of her talents... being able to share and explain another point of view.

Maechell Davis
Your pictures and your stories of Renee are always so beautiful. Thank you for continuing to share her with us. We are all blessed to have known her. It is because of her and your stories of her, that I have recently been more accepting of photos being… See More

Sandra Mayberry
Always so good to read your stories.

Donna Freeman
glad you were able have that journey

NOTE: New Memories are added from time to time...