September 14, 2020: Bobby Russ
I woke up in a good mood today. All I could do is think good thoughts, remember good times. If she hadn't been taken from us so soon, we would be on our vacation which we so desparely needed. I knew her stress. I knew her fears. I knew how much she needed this time. It would have been amazing. I will never know the true extend of how great it would have been though. She had plans of what we were going to do that she never got to communicate. I've seen bits and pieces of research she did. She knew what we would like to do and I can imagine it would have been grand. She was great like that. She wanted to find ways to make people happy. She was great at that. She found ways to make me smile, make me feel so special.
Today, I got a notification on my phone as the first week of NFL Games concluded. The notifications gave me scores for both my team (Go Fins) the hers (the Bears). It was something we shared a love for together. We watched many games, went to several, and she picked on NFL Picks with me for many years. I share this so I can share a Facebook post she posted years ago...
I remember when she posted that. She shared my humor with others because it make her smile. It made her laugh. It was her way of honoring
me and sharing something that mattered to her. That's part of the joy it was being with her. The colleciton of stories shared. As many
probably have learned, I'm a story teller by nature. She's given me plenty between us as well as stories that she had with people that I may
barely even know. Well, Renee, I got some good news for you today... Your Bears won. I'll raise a glass to your memory, your love of
football, and the joy of being with you.