September 18, 2020: Bobby Russ
I look back on things and see so many moments. They were tiny specks among a garden of love, caring, and the being that was Renee. Her loss caused wrinkles across so many different aspects of not only my life, but others.
For example, when I was a kid, my mom and I would go on "sunday" drives. We would explore and find new places/roads. Given that this was a time before GPS, when you got lost, you had to find your own way back. It was very happy moments.
Years later, Renee would enter my life. On our days off, she would ask me to drive. I teased her sometimes that I was driving Miss Renee (+2 Points for anyone who gets the reference...). She would laugh and I'd see that beautiful smile. Towards the end of her life, I'd start working full time and I would get were I was getting more and more tired of driving every day of the week. She capitulated into driving a few times, but I know she really didn't want to.
There were a few times where she would suggest we take a turn here or there. We'd end up having drives, exploring new places, and finding things. One day, we almost got stuck in the sand near a development that failed to be completed. We got ourselves down dirt roads that were only wide enough for one vehicle. Google said the roads existed, but just barely. There was no way to turn around and we got scared we were going to find a dead end. The irony of it all is that we almost got stuck in one spot. We were glad we did that in the truck or else we would have...
We had looked back on that moment laughing several times. Sharing the story and knowing it wouldn't stop us from exploring. There are a lot of plans that never came to be, but one of them was to explore areas that we found more. It was one of the moments that I never fully treasured while she was alive. Now, though, I look back fondly that I had found someone who shared my interest of learning new paths, exploring the roads of one's journey, and so much more.
In the end, I can look back at different moments that I didn't appreciate as much when she was alive, but now I truly treasure those
memories. There's a saying that good memories can truly save your life. The good memories I have with her are what drives me forward. I
love you Renee... and I know if you were still here, you'd be honored that I have poured my heart and soul into writing up these memories for
others to know you a little better.